How does the community benefit from each super lotto result?
When you play lotto your thoughts are concentrated more on winning the multi-million dollar jackpot than anything else. However, even as you play or even win money in lotto, there is a lot of benefit that passes on to your community after each super lotto result.
Lotto and its various variations such as lotto super7, super lotto seven plus, lotto 47/27, lotto 649 and many more were introduced in various countries, cities or provinces only after a majority of its people voted in favor of legalizing these gambling games. The aim of the government and its people was to legalize such games so that they could be taxed and the money coming in as taxes could be used to improve the infrastructure of the city by providing additional amounts for education and fulfilling other school requirements.
For example, in 1972, the residents of Michigan, USA approved the state run lottery to commence operations with a healthy 73% positive vote. The state also decided on the retailers that would be allowed to sell tickets to players over 18 years of age. The following year saw the inception of the lottery in instant scratch-and-win formats and over a period of many years, the lottery has handed out more than 10 billion dollars as prize money while also providing around 8 billion dollars to the State School Aid Fund.
The state of California too had passed a similar referendum in 1985 and since then the sales of super lotto in its varied forms has topped well over 55 billion dollars with schools receiving more than 20 billion dollars in the process. The California lottery has contributed at least 34 cents to every dollar that is spent by players buying lottery tickets on improving and maintaining their level of public education. Retailers too have benefited immensely as they too get a commission on winning tickets, which is not taken out from the winner’s pockets. Such referendums also brought about the inception of super lotto in Canada and various Canadian provinces such as Quebec.
Thus, when you buy the 1 dollar super lotto ticket, you are in essence setting off a chain reaction of benefits that culminates when the wining player checks the super lotto result and starts jumping with joy. If you do win the jackpot or any other prize, you should be comforted with the fact that a substantial amount of the prize money has been diverted to those less fortunate than you. If you consider the total amount of dollars and people involved in setting up each super lotto draw, then you will truly appreciate the mammoth effort that goes into each super lotto result and also be thankful to the people that participate in this exciting game.
Thus, whether you win or lose each super lotto game, you should be thankful that people who have the money to play this game, do so, so that less fortunate people who need to study for their future ultimately benefit from each super lotto result. Play responsibly, have fun and remember that your community will benefit from this wonderful game.
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